Trek Bicycle Windsor | Trek Bicycle Windsor

언제든지 방문하세요

  • 대리점 주소
  • WINDSOR, Queensland, 4030  Australia
  • 0733576649
  • 길찾기
현재 휴무 시간입니다.
10:00 AM-4:00 PM
월요일 9:30 AM-5:30 PM
화요일 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
수요일 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
목요일 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
금요일 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
토요일 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • 0733576649
  • 길찾기

구글 리뷰

매장 소개

Trek Bicycle Windsor is your destination for the latest products from Trek and Bontrager, service and tune-ups for bikes of any brand and local advice on the best riding in the greater Brisbane area. Our bike shop opened in New Farm in 2016, and has relocated to a brand new site at Windsor, located just 2 km east of the Brisbane CBD. We are huge advocates for the local cycling community, and love to give back with efforts like our tyre recycling programme. The area surrounding our store offers great riding for roadies and mountain bikers alike, and our favourites include Mount Coo-tha, the Brisbane River Loop and The Gap to Mount Glorious. Stop in for a tune and advice before heading out, or join us for one of our frequent shop rides! We look forward to riding with you!


가까운 라이딩 코스

현지 라이딩 코스 추천을 원하시나요? 트렉이 도와드리겠습니다. 다음은 현지 최고의 로드 바이크, MTB, 가족 라이딩 코스들입니다. 디지털 라이딩 코스 지도가 제공됩니다!

라이딩 코스 보기

24시간 정비 완료 서비스

저희는 모든 제조사의 바이크와 모든 모델에 대한 정비 서비스를 제공하며 마치 새로운 바이크를 타는 것과 같은 라이딩 감각을 보장하는 다양한 서비스 패키지를 보유하고 있습니다.

서비스 보기

정비 패키지

바이크 튠업에 무엇이 포함되는지 자세히 알아보고 싶으신가요? 저희가 제공해드리는 여러 정비 패키지를 아래에서 살펴보세요.

build Level 1 Service Package
Recommended every 25-hours
Everything torqued, aligned, and adjusted.

After a bike wash, we’ll dial in your brakes, tune and adjust your shifting to perfection, and ensure that all fasteners are torqued to manufacture specifications

• Align and adjust brakes
• Align and adjust shifting
• Adjust headset
• Inspect bottom bracket
• Bike wash

Replacement parts not included in service package price.
build Level 2 Service Package
Recommended every 50-hours
Everything cleaned, tensioned, aligned, and adjusted.

After a bike wash and thorough deep clean of the drivetrain, we’ll true and tension the wheels, dial in your brakes, tune and lube your shifting to perfection.

Level 2 includes everything from the Level 1 plus:
• Remove and deep clean all drivetrain components
• Lateral and vertical wheel true

Additional 50-hour Suspension Service Recommended for Mountain:
• Fork seal and rear air can service

Replacement parts not included in service package price.
build Level 3 Service Package
From $399*
Recommended every 100-hours
The entire bike stripped, cleaned, lubed, and tuned to perfection.

Every bolt, every bearing, every part. We’ll start by stripping your bike to the bare frame for a deep clean and inspection, then we’ll re-lube inner surfaces and rebuild it. If it’s been a while, or if you have put serious miles in all-conditions, this one’s for you.

Level 3 is everything included in Level 2 plus:
• Disassemble entire bike and deep clean all parts
• Overhaul and replace all bearing systems
• Flush and replace hydraulic brakes
• Replace and re-route all cables and housing
• Overhaul front and rear mountain bike suspension and dropper post

Replacement parts not included in service package price.

*Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Ask your service technician for details.

만족하지 못하셨다면, 우리가 되돌려 받겠습니다

여러분이 구매한 제품에 100% 만족하지 못하셨다면, 30일 이내 교환이 가능합니다.

최저 가격 보증제

우리가 매장이나 trekbikes.com에서 취급하는 제품으로 어떤 가격대도 맞춰드릴 수 있습니다.

전제품 및 용품 24시간 서비스

우리의 전문 기술자들의 24시간 이내에 여러분의 자전거에 서비스를 제공하거나, 무료 대체품을 지급해드립니다.

새로운 인기 자전거 대리점

모든 연령대의 초보자부터 열렬한 애호가까지, 저희가 도와드리겠습니다!