What is a kids balance bike?


Balance is everything when you're learning how to ride, and balance bikes help kids develop and master this important skill. Kids have a blast riding these bikes because they feel more confident and in control. Plus, children who start learning on a balance bike often skip tricycles and training wheels, and hop right on a pedal bike when they’re big enough!

Benefits of a kids’ balance bike

Start learning sooner

Your child can start using a balance bike as early as 18 months old! The smallest training wheel bikes are usually still too big at this age, but young kids can easily fit on balance bikes.

Gain confidence and control

Kids feel more comfortable when they can put their feet on the ground, which is why balance bikes help them gain more confidence on a bike. They can intuitively learn to balance, turn, and steer all while feeling less likely to fall.

Ride easily on any terrain

Kids can ride farther without getting tired and easily navigate any terrain because balance bikes let kids sit and use their feet to scoot along. They can ride on grass, pavement, and gravel, and they love having the freedom to go where they want!

Learn proper balance

The biggest benefit balance bikes offer over training wheels is that kids learn proper balance. Because training wheels let kids tilt to one side, they have to re-learn balance once they hop on a pedal bike. Most kids who start on balance bikes are able to quickly transition to pedal bikes, and feel more confident on them, too!

Why choose a Trek?

We want your kids to enjoy biking just as much as you do, so we put the same amount of dedication and know-how into their bikes as we do yours. This matters because learning to ride on a well-designed bike is both easier and more enjoyable, and when your little one loves riding as a kid they'll love riding forever. Each one of our kids’ bikes is made with durable, high-quality materials and assembled by a professional mechanic so you can focus on having fun with your little ones for years to come.

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