郑重提醒:为保护您的消费权益,请不要在未经授权的线上或线下渠道购买 Trek 及 Bontrager 商品,否则可能存在严重质量缺陷,也无法享受相关售后保修政策。












腿没力了吗? 狂风呼啸? 在电动公路自行车上,由于额外的助力,您可以挑战极限,通过最艰难的骑行路段。




您也可以在平路、砾石和自行车道上骑电动自行车。法规因国家、州和城市不同而有异,所以请查看 PeopleForBikes 资源或联系当地主管部门了解更多详细信息。


在过去 40 年里,我们创造了各种各样的自行车,从赢得世界上规模最大比赛的最先进的性能自行车到被世界各地成千上万人喜爱的有趣又可靠的自行车。2001 年,我们开始制造电动自行车,给像您这样的骑车人士更多动力。

这几十年苦心积累的产品知识和开发经验就是为什么您可以自信地选择 Trek 电动自行车的原因。我们的工作就是打造卓越非凡的自行车,这是我们公司的核心、灵魂和焦点。我们知道电动自行车是一项投资。请相信我们会在您的每一次骑行中与您同在,无论是现在还是未来。




我们很自豪能够拥有业内最佳的保修计划,帮助您重新踏上自己喜欢的征途。每辆 Trek 电动自行车都享受终身保修和两年电池保修。



Domane+ ALR

电池续航时间长。速度快。乐趣多多。Domane+ ALR 是一款速度快、价格实惠的远程电动公路自行车,适合希望在每次冒险中获得更佳体验的骑行者。这款电动公路自行车配备了优质的 300 系列 Alpha 铝合金车架和简约集成的 Fazua 传动系统,可提供高达 20 英里/小时的按需助力。

Go electric, get rewarded

Want to save money on an e-bike? Select states and cities are now offering rebates on new electric bike purchases! Check to see if you’re eligible for one below.

Explore e-bike rebate programs

What makes Trek and Electra e-bikes different?

The e-systems on Trek and Electra e-bikes are third-party tested to comply with leading e-bike safety regulations, including the rigourous UL 2849 standard. This standard is set by Underwriters Laboratories, an independent organization that develops safety standards for a variety of industries.

Explore UL Safety and Compliance

Q: How do I choose an e-road bike?
Electric road bicycles come in a variety of types, geometries, and e-systems. Trek electric road bikes take our best-selling Domane all-road bike and add an electric boost. Domane+ is more upright and comfortable and allows you to ride longer with the e-assist. It’s available in both a high power TQ model and a lightweight Hyena model. If you're looking for the most power output to tackle steep climbs and keep up on the group ride, Domane+ SLR is right for you. If you want versatility for road rides and commutes — our Domane+ AL is the perfect choice. If you need help, reach out to us, stop by your local Trek retailer, or use our E-bike Finder to get matched with your ideal electric road bike.

Q: Why would I choose an e-road bike over a regular road bike?
E-road bikes are designed to ride just like their non-powered counterparts but provide extra assistance with the e-system. If you're looking to ride a little faster in your group ride, keep up with a partner, tackle long climbs, or just get a little assist on long rides, an e-road bike gets the job done. The trade off between an e-road bike and a traditional road bike is weight. Traditional road bikes will be lighter but will not have the extra e-assist.

Q: What should I look for in an electric road bike?
First, you always want to make sure your e-road bike is UL compliant so it can be safely charged and stored. All Trek and Electra e-bikes are compliant to the UL2849 standard. Next, you'll want to look for a quality e-system from a reputable manufacturer like Bosch, Hyena, or TQ. Those companies provide long-term service and support for their products so your investment can last. Finally, you want to have quality components like a drivetrain, brakes, and wheels designed to withstand the force and weight of an e-road bike.

Q: Are e-road bikes faster than non-electric road bikes?
Electric road bikes will allow you to ride at faster speeds for longer with the support of the electric assist. Trek only uses high quality, durable parts that are designed to withstand the additional speed and weight of our e-road bikes.