
This bike will change your life

The Allant+ pushes the boundaries of possibility on every ride, from fast, traffic-free commutes to long cruises. Its hill-flattening boost, distance-shrinking range and thoughtful features make it easy and fun to ride further, and you can do more by bike instead of taking the car.

Bosch motors provide a smooth, easy-to-control boost that feels natural while you’re pedalling. Enjoy speedy commutes, sweat-free errands and conquer any climb.

Up to 80 miles

Range with Range Boost
120 miles

Every Allant+ has a large capacity 625 Wh or 500 Wh Bosch battery so you can ride a long way worry-free. Select models feature Speed motors that assist up to 28 mph (25 km/h in Europe).

Bosch technology is trusted in nearly half the world's phones, millions of homes and offices and garages around the globe, and even on the International Space Station.

Does this make them the most over-qualified supplier of e-bike systems ever? Well, yeah. But we wouldn't partner with anyone who wasn't. Why? Because dependability is everything. You can count on Bosch when it matters. (Just ask an astronaut.)

Powerful boost, global support

Bosch drive systems are renowned for their reliability and ease of use. They deliver a powerful, natural-feeling boost so you can focus on enjoying your ride. Plus, Bosch offers global support and service that can’t be matched!

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