The time for climate action is now. Here's Trek President John Burke on eight ways Trek is working to draw down our impact and be a part of the climate solution.
The brutal facts
Atmospheric carbon dioxide reached a record high in 2023. And it’s only rising, causing global temperatures to rise along with it. Source: Kennedy, R (Director), (2018). Above and Beyond: NASA’s Journey to Tomorrow [Motion Picture]. United States: Fathom Events
As our average global temperature continues to rise, it will lead to increasingly negative impacts on our ecological systems and human life. Source: GISTEMP Team, 2024: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP), version 4, Lenssen et al. 2019
We’ve had over 150-billion-dollar climate events in the past 10 years, leading to significant economic effects, human fatalities, and massive loss of wildlife. Source: “Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters,” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Eight actions to help guide your efforts
Here are the eight actions Trek has taken to run a business that’s better for our planet. Use them as a guide to lower your own impact.
ACTION 1 Emissions study
We hired external experts to study our carbon footprint so we could take informed action.
ACTION 2 Set a goal
We used our emissions study to set a company-wide goal: reduce our absolute scope 3 GHC emissions 32.5% by 2032.
ACTION 3 Reduce packaging waste
We made changes to our packaging that have helped us save 532,422 lbs. of plastic packaging waste annually since 2020.*
ACTION 4 Eco-friendly materials
We worked with our suppliers to move from dirty to clean aluminum and cut carbon emissions from certain frames by 80%.
ACTION 5 Reduce air freight
The transport of goods is a massive generator of emissions, so we're reducing our air freight in favor of other options.
ACTION 6 Red Barn Refresh
We started refurbishing and reselling used bikes to encourage a circular economy.
ACTION 7 Car trip reductions
We’re taking action to encourage people to ride more and drive less.
ACTION 8 Be an example
We’ve learned a lot on our sustainability journey, and we’re sharing what we’ve learned so others can act, too.
*Figure is approximate and may vary based on annual forecasts and units sold.
The change the world scorecard
What gets measured gets done. Use a climate action scorecard to drive change within your organization.
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” –Robert Swan, Arctic explorer
More of what you care for
See even more of Trek’s sustainability efforts in our Sustainability Report