Potężny silnik w piaście tylnej
Dual Sport+ wyposażony jest w silnik elektryczny napędzający koło tylne, który umożliwia pewne prowadzenie i niezawodnie przekazuje moc.
Elegancko ukryty akumulator
Niezawodny system z wbudowanym akumulatorem 250 Wh wygląda elegancko i pozwala dotrzeć dalej szybciej.
Opcjonalny akumulator zwiększający zasięg
Zawędruj nawet dwa razy dalej z łatwym w montażu akumulatorem 250 Wh.
Szerokie, stabilne opony
Szutrowe opony o szerokości 2,0 cala toczą się szybko po utwardzonych nawierzchniach i zapewniają dobrą przyczepność w trudnym terenie.
Jeździsz lekko
Dual Sport+ jest znacznie lżejszy niż większość rowerów elektrycznych
FX+ to intuicyjny i w pełni wyposażony rower ze wspomaganiem elektrycznym stworzony do odkrywania miasta. Dojeżdżaj do pracy, załatwiaj sprawy albo po prostu ciesz się jazdą na naszym najlżejszym miejskim rowerze elektrycznym.
Dual Sport+ FAQs
Q: What is the difference between the FX+ and Dual Sport+?
A: Dual Sport+ shares a frame, Hyenas e-system, and Active geometry positioning with FX+ but has a different ride feel and use case. While FX+ is designed for on-road/paved path riding, Dual Sport+ has 27.5 wheels and tires for more traction and control when riding off-path and on crushed gravel. FX+ also comes equipped with a rear rack and fenders for commuting right out of the box.
Q: What is the difference between the Dual Sport+ and Verve+1 LT?
A: Both bikes utilize a Hyena e-system but differ in ride feel. Dual Sport+ utilizes our active position geometry which puts you more forward on the bike and your weight over the center of the bike. Verve+1 LT utilizes our upright geometry which keeps you in am upright, comfortable position that keeps you feeling fresh on long rides. The Verve+1 LT also comes equipped with a rear rack and fenders.
Q: What are the trade offs when you buy a lightweight ebike like Dual Sport+?
A: Lightweight ebikes need to do a few things to reduce weight. They use smaller drive units typically that generate less torque and smaller batteries to help reduce weight as well. That means these lightweight ebikes typically have less range and power than a heavier ebike like our Allant+.
Q: Should I choose a mid-drive or hub drive ebike?
A: Depending on your priorities, either option could work well for you. The ride quality of each will be different depending with mid-drive feeling closer to a natural bike riding feel with the motor centered on the crank. The hub systems offer light weight and lower cost typically as well while still providing an powerful e-assist. There are a lot of differences between each type and each brand has unique features as well. If you want to dive in and learn even more about all the e-systems we offer and the difference between each read our New to Ebikes guide.