Bike suspension service for smoother rides


Like cars, your bike’s suspension needs regular tune ups – but that shouldn’t mean missing out on precious rides. No need to stress, we’re here to get your bike’s suspension in top shape and keep you rolling while we’re wrenching. Simply drop off your ride for a little trail-taming TLC, and we'll do our best to get it back to you within 14 days. Whether your fork, shock, or dropper post need love, our savvy mechanics are ready to help.

The best part? While your suspension is getting a refresh, we'll set you up with a complimentary two-day demo bike so you can keep riding while your bike is in the shop.

*Excludes certain e-bike models. Call or visit your local retailer for more information.

Suspension service packages

Shock full service

Full shock service with damper rebuild
$ 175

Recommended every 200+ hours of riding
-Detailed shock inspection
-Full damper rebuild
-Fresh air seals (if applicable)

* Replacement parts not included

Fork full service

Full fork service with damper rebuild
$ 200

Recommended every 200+ hours of riding

-Thorough fork inspection
-Full damper rebuild
-Fresh dust wipers and foam rings
-Air spring assembly rebuild (F-Series and FLOAT models)

* Replacement parts not included

Dropper post service

$ 100

Recommended every 200+ hours of riding

-Overhaul of seat post internals
-Seal replacement
-Re-bleed of damper with fresh damper oil

* Replacement parts not included

Routine bike suspension maintenance

In addition to our full services, we also offer routine suspension maintenance packages. Preventative upkeep like this can help you avoid more costly rebuilds in the future.

Shock air sleeve service

Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Wiper and foam ring replacement
-Quick oil change
-Stanchion inspection

*Replacement parts not included
Call your local retailer for pricing.

Fork air sleeve service

Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Lower leg service
-Wiper and foam ring replacement
-Quick oil change
-Stanchion inspection

*Replacement parts not included
Call your local retailer for pricing.

Dropper post quick service

Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Wiper replacement
-Bushing inspection

Call your local retailer for pricing.