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Trek Bicycle Firenze | Trek Bicycle Firenze


  • 商店地址
  • FIRENZE, 54100  Italy
  • 0554648551
  • 获取路线
星期日 关闭
星期一 关闭
星期二 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
星期三 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
星期四 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
星期五 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
星期六 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-7:00 PM
  • 0554648551
  • 获取路线

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Trek Bicycle Firenze è la destinazione ideale dove trovare tutti gli ultimi prodotti Trek, Rapha, Electra e Bontrager, un servizio di vendita ed officina di prim'ordine e grande professionalità. I nostri esperti meccanici metteranno a punto la vostra bicicletta con servizi di manutenzione efficienti e di qualità a prezzi chiari e trasparenti. Se siete interessati ad esplorare Firenze su due ruote senza possedere una bici, il nostro servizio di noleggio biciclette è la soluzione ideale. Scegliete tra biciclette da strada, gravel, mountain bike elettriche e e-bike ed immergetevi nella bellezza della città in modo sostenibile ed emozionante. Vi aspettiamo! Seguici su Facebook per rimanere aggiornato su promozioni ed eventi, contattaci telefonicamente oppure scrivici una email a: [email protected]



想了解自行车调整包括哪些内容吗? 请在下方浏览我们不同的服务套餐。

build Level One:
The scrub down
Recommended every 25+ hours of riding
-Align and adjust brakes
-Tune and adjust shifting
-Torque all fasteners
build Level Two:
The deep clean
Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One services
-Deep clean drivetrain
-Lateral and vertical wheel true
-Inspect bottom bracket
-Clean and polish bike
build Level Three:
The strip down
Recommended every 100+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One and Level Two services
-Disassemble and deep-clean all parts
-New cables, housing, and bearing systems*
-Advanced wheel true
-Replace front and rear suspension wipers, seals, and oil**

*Cost of replacement parts not included in package price.

**Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Stop in for an estimate.
build Additional e-bike services
Our service packages are electric bike compatible! You can have the same work done on your e-bike as any non-electric bike. However, we do offer a few additional add-on services for Trek e-bikes that cater specifically to their e-systems.*

Add-on e-bike service

– Software update
– Removal and installation of a new battery or motor

Not sure what your e-bike needs? Give your local retailer a call or visit to learn more about their e-bike service offerings.

*Excludes certain e-bike models. Call or visit your local retailer for more information.


如果您对订单有任何不满,请在 30 天内将其退回,以进行退款或换货。


我们保证店内和 trekbikes.com 网站上的产品价格统一。

所有品牌和型号 24 小时维修服务

专业的技术人员将在 24 小时内维修您的爱车,如需更长时间我们将为您免费提供暂用替代车。

